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The Democratic Party and its members are responsible for some of our nation’s most important and impactful legislation: Social Security, Medicare, the Voting Rights Act of 1965, and the Americans with Disabilities Act.


Most recently, California Democrats played a leading role in helping President Obama pass the historic Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, ending the insurance company practice of denying coverage to children because of pre-existing conditions and lowering the cost of health care for millions of Americans.


Democrats are building a healthier future for our state and improving the quality of life for all Californians. We believe our state must make university and community college affordable for today’s working and middle-class families. We believe in rewarding hard work and expanding opportunities for all Californians in order to create stronger and healthier communities.


There are more than 7.5 million registered Democrats in California – 44.49 percent of California voters.


Party Structure and Organization


The governing body of the California Democratic Party is the Democratic State Central Committee (DSCC), made up of approximately 2,900 members from each of the following groups in proportions of roughly one-third:

  • Local Parties (Democratic County Central Committees)
    Each Democratic County Central Committee elects DSCC members from its membership (four per central committee as a base, and then an additional one for every 10,000 registered Democrats in the county). Contact your county committee if you are interested in becoming involved in your county.
  • Assembly District Election Meetings (ADEMs)
    Twelve AD delegates are elected in caucuses that are held in each and every one of 80 Assembly Districts in January of every odd-numbered year. Click here to find out more about becoming an AD delegate.
  • Elected Officials, Nominees and Appointments
    All California Democratic elected officials and nominees are members and additionally are allowed to appoint two – six DSCC members apiece. This includes Members of Congress, Statewide Officials, and State Legislators.


State Convention


The entire DSCC meets once a year at State Conventions — usually held in the spring. During state Conventions held in odd-numbered years after presidential elections, these members of the DSCC elect the Officers of the California Democratic Party. Officers serve four-year terms. The Chairman appoints the members of the nine standing committees of the California Democratic Party. There are also caucuses of DSCC members who share similar demographics and/or interests.


In addition, there are 21 Regional Directors who function as liaisons between the California Democratic Party and the County Central Committees and Democratic Clubs in their region (each of which is comprised of three to five Assembly Districts). Regional Directors serve two-year terms and are elected at State Conventions in odd-numbered years.


The entire DSCC votes to decide which candidates the CDP endorses for all partisan political offices in California. The body also drafts and establishes the official California Democratic Party Platform and votes to adopt Resolutions.


Executive Board


While the entire DSCC meets only once a year to conduct business at the State Convention, the Executive Board of the DSCC (E-Board) meets two more times each year to conduct business that arises during the intervals between conventions. There are approximately 320 E-Board members, and they are chosen on the following basis:

  • Statewide Officials
  • Members of Congress
  • State Legislators (2 per house)
  • State Party Officers / Immediate Past Officers
  • Standing Committee Chairs
  • Caucus Chairs
  • Democratic National Committee Members (19)
  • Democratic County Central Committee Representatives (one per county plus one additional member for each 100,000 registered Democrats within the county)
  • ADEM Representatives (one per Assembly District)
  • California Democratic Council President
  • California Young Democrats President



At E-Board meetings, the standing committees and caucuses meet and conduct their business. In even-numbered presidential election years, the members of the E-Board elect the 19 DNC members that represent California on the Democratic National Committee in Washington, DC.

Photo by Eli Beckman

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