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Number of Representative Committee Member Positions by District

5 representatives elected from the First Supervisorial District

6 representatives elected from the Second Supervisorial District

5 representatives elected from the Third Supervisorial District

4 representatives elected from the Fourth Supervisorial District

2 representatives elected from the Fifth Supervisorial District

Affiliate Democratic Clubs

CHARTERED CLUBS: The Democratic Central Committee of Marin also charters a number of local clubs to discuss local issues and organize Democrats around specific issues.



Chair: Paul Cohen

1st Vice-chair: Dotty LeMieux
2nd Vice-chair: Suzanne Brown-Crow
Treasurer: Kris Organ
Corresponding Secretary: Steve Burdo 
Recording Secretary: Magali Limeta

The Democratic Central Committee of Marin (DCCM), is an elected body mandated by the California Elections Code and the California Democratic Party By-Laws to be the official representative of the Democratic Party in Marin.


The Democratic Central Committee of Marin consists of 22 representatives elected from each of the County’s 5 supervisorial districts. The elections for these positions take place every even numbered year. Only registered Democrats are entitled to serve on the DCCM, and to vote for candidates running for the DCCM. When the number of candidates vying for positions in a particular supervisorial district is equal to, or less than, the number of positions available, the election in this supervisorial district is not considered contested. Under these conditions, the candidates are not placed upon the ballot, but are instead, appointed to the positions.


MONTHLY MEETINGS: The DCCM meets on the first Thursday of every month. Visitors are welcome!

Photo by Eli Beckman

Our mission is to amplify young Democratic voices, mobilize awareness through sustainable action, and build a genuine leadership pipeline in the region. We work on projects, such as voter registration and education, affordable housing, and homeless rehabilitation. 

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