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Since 2002, the Young Democrats of America has operated independently of the Democratic National Committee (DNC) as a nonfederal 527 political organization.  In 2012, YDA additionally became a hybrid Super PAC. YDA left the DNC structure in order to grow the long-term sustainability of the organization and to have control over our own budget and programming. In accordance with the DNC Charter and By-Laws, YDA maintains three voting member positions on the Democratic National Committee, including a voting member position on the DNC Executive Committee.


Although several state organizations preceded the national organization, the Young Democrats of North Carolina, led by Tyre Taylor, can probably claim to be the founding fathers of the Young Democrats of America. In the spring of 1931, Tyre obtained names of Young Democrats in other states and sent letters asking them to discuss the idea of a national Young Democratic organization.


On March 4 – 5, 1932, the first national organizational meeting was held in Washington D.C., with delegates from 27 states and the District of Columbia present. One of the first articles of agreement stipulated there should be no distinction in membership and privileges between men and women.


The Young Democratic Clubs of America (YDCA) was formally organized, but later in the year, over 600 people attended the first formal national meeting held at the DNC National Convention in Chicago. Shortly thereafter, the DNC adopted the Young Democratic Clubs of America as the official youth organization of the Democratic Party. The first national convention was held in Kansas City in 1933.


Now simply known as the Young Democrats of America, the goals of our organization have remained the same for over seventy years. Participation in the Young Democrats of America gives members the opportunity to network with their peers from across the nation and the opportunity to sharpen their political skills; YDA serves as a coordinating body, a training ground, and a valuable resource tool for our members; members get first-hand experience in a wide variety of activities including campaigns and elections, grass roots organizing, fund-raising, conventions, and candidate endorsements. Additionally, Young Democrats help shape the ideas of persons seeking elective office. Sometimes those candidates are members of – or are directly recruited from – YDA and our chapters.


In the end, YDA is about building stronger chapters and a solid youth voting bloc for Democrats nationwide in order to secure a progressive agenda led by young people.

Photo by Eli Beckman

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